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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Chapter...?

Well, a possible new chapter in my life has recently come up this past week....! My boss, Nathan, approached me the other day and told me of a possible job opportunity at First Federal Bank. His brother in law, Mike, who is the Sr. VP there (who was also my bishop when I was in 15th ward) put my name in for it and talked to Nate about. It would be a position for a teller. Sooo...I applied for it this past Thursday. Mike's wife, Brenda, works out of our office and she has been keeping me posted. The two of them have been helping me out so much! So anyway, I got yesterday and went in for my interview this (blustery) afternoon. I hate interviews. Just as much as next guy, I assume; but still, they're so crappy. I felt all flustery and blushy and hot. I stumbled on a couple of questions, but overall I felt like I did a good job. I'm supposed to hear back at the beginning of next week. So, we'll see! This is the first time I haven't felt 100% confident about landing a job. Usually I kind of already know I have it or I feel great, but this is a larger company, with more applicants, and higher standards. I guess it just always continues to get harder though as you move in careers; it's normal. I really hope I get this job. It's a good company with a good reputation, good benefits/bonuses, and it's somewhere that I can stay for a while and move up in the company. Even though I'm anxious about getting this job, I know that if I'm supposed to get it I will. God will choose for me what will be best for us and it will work out. I'll keep you updated!!

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