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Monday, October 11, 2010

Thou Art a Teacher...

A few weeks ago Tyson and I were set apart in our first calling together: 15 and 16 year old sunday school teachers. I'll admit, I was, and still am, a little shocked. I can't help but think of all the other people in the ward who would be so much more knowledgable and experienced teachers than I. Luckily I do have Tyson to lean on for help, but I still struggle. I taught my first lesson alone yesterday. And really, it was alright.
I taught all the material I was supposed to.
                                        I taught from start this finish.
                                                                  And no one fell asleep on me.....

The scriptures are such a wonderful and precious tool. However, it can sometimes be difficult for someone to understand scriptures in Nephi or Genesis, let alone Isaiah. Which is precisely what we're teaching out of right now...

And I get frustrated.

I don't always understand what I'm reading and at times have to go over the scripture 5.....10....times for it to start sinking in. Afterward, I still need to go to Tyson for him to explain it to me. I was really starting to get discouraged. I feel like, in order to be a good teacher, I have to completely understand what I am teaching.

While preparing for next weeks lesson, I went to to read over it. While there, I decided to start reading the newest General Conference talks. So I started with Saturday morning's first talk, and ended with the last one of that day. One talk really stuck out to me. For those of you who watched conference, it was the talk given by David M. McConkie about teachers. As I read through that talk, I had a feeling of comfort flow through my mind and my body. I knew that the Lord is all-knowing, and that he put me there to help me learn and grow. But I was feeling inadequate. I don't know much more about this doctrine as the teenagers in my class do!

"It is natural for teachers to have feelings of inadequacy. You must understand that 'age and maturity and intellectual training are not in any way or to any degree necessary to communion with the Lord and His Spirit.'
The promises of the Lord are certain. If you earnestly search the scriptures and treasure up in your minds the words of life, if you keep the commandments with all of your heart and pray for each student, you will enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost and you will receive revelation."

Surprisingly, I hadn't thought about that part yet. I have prayed for myself in teaching and learning the lessons. And I have prayed for my class to recieve and understand the lessons. But I just didn't really think about praying for each student personally and spiritually. I really enjoy the kids in my class and think they are very smart and sweet kids. I can't wait to get to know them better as time goes on.

"Successful gospel teachers love the gospel. They are excited about it. And because they love their students, they want them to feel as they feel and to experience what they have experienced. To teach the gospel is to share your love of the gospel."

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